
How this blog is made


Writing a blog is kind of a cliché "first project of your third year of a very boring school program" kinda deal, but I figured it might be interesting anyway.

I'm not much of a front-end guy (you might have been tipped of by the spartan design of this website). More than that, I am ideologically opposed to website that require javascript to run for no discernable reason. Or to the use of javascript in the backend.

... I might have a slight dislike for javascript in general. ahem.

Regardless, for performance, ideological, and practical reasons, this website is entirely statically generated in the laziest way possible.


A ≈ 50 LOC python script uses jinja2 to fit HTML content into a template, and also converts a bunch of markdown file to HTML with python-markdown which is also templated using jinja2.

Simple as that! Generation happens in less than 100 ms, and I'm left with a bunch of HTML files with no server-side requirements whatsoever. No need for a rest API if the content of the page changes once a month…


The trick is that jinja2 is made for just this kind of stuff. Even though most people only know of it because of its use as the templating language for ansible, it's capable of much more.

The jinja

I simply use a base template.html file for setting the base layout, that can be inherited by any actual page.


    <!-- … -->

        <!-- … -->
        {% block content %}{% endblock %}
        <!-- … -->


{% extends "template.html" %}

{% block content %}

    <!-- … -->
{% endblock %}

Generating the files

The following is enough to generate a template file:

loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(Path('src/')) # include-path equivalent
env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader)
tpl = env.get_template('index.html.j2') # load the template
with open('out.html') as fp:

I've just done the same in a for-loop iterating over static pages (such as blog.html) and the markdown files.


Not that complicated is it? I just love that I can update the blog by running two commands (./gen.py && scp dist/* my-server:/var/www). Guess I'll need to set up a CI at some point.

You can see the whole repository here.